Easily Understand & Upload Files To IPFS With Filebase

Easily Understand & Upload Files To IPFS With Filebase

Use Filebase To Permanently Store Files To The Interplanetary File System (IPFS)


4 min read

IPFS & Filebase

If you’re just getting started with web3 or just haven’t touched decentralized storage before, then Filebase is a good way to bridge the gap between traditional storage and Interplanetary File System (IPFS).


If you read that last line and asked yourself “What the heck is IPFS”, then let’s break it down in simple terms, it’s a decentralized storage system that lives forever. In other words, make sure you know what you’re uploading before hand.

This Live Forever

Why Would You Want Forever Storage?

One of the main reasons for storing a file forever is to either give value to its permanence or keep a full record of data that is immutable (can never be modified), which adds to its validity of authenticity. One of main uses for this currently are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

If you get past the highly priced JPGs then there is value in authentic data. In the offline world, authentic data comes in the form government issued identification, supply chain logs, wills, deeds, contracts, and basically anything that could potentially be forged.

Web3 is still young, and IPFS is still being adopted by major browsers, but decentralized storage definitely has a use, alongside traditional web2 storage.

Getting Started With Filebase

Web3 is growing and until it has a mass adoption there will still be a need for web2 solutions that bridge the gap. Filebase is the bridge to web3 decentralized storage on IPFS. The good news is that Filebase is currently 5GB of storage without any credit card, so take advantage and upload that entire collection of Gilmore Girls* to IPFS. Just create an account at Filebase.com.

*(Don’t listen to me. This is probably a bad idea)

Filebase.com Pricing

Uploading Your First File

The first step will be to create a bucket, by going to the Buckets section and click Create Bucket. If you’re familiar with AWS S3, then buckets are another way of saying folders. Why they chose the names buckets, I have no idea, but my guess is that instead of trying to organize things into folders, they just dumped everything into a bucket and ignore trying to organize anything.

Filebase.com Create Bucket

Give your Bucket a name, to try and organize things, and select the IPFS (All data is public) as the Storage Network.

Filebase.com Create New Bucket

Click on your newly created bucket to open it up and take a look at its emptiness that screams “I need some files!”

Filebase.com Bucket Details

In your new bucket, click upload and File, to be prompted with file to upload, and select an image to start with to make things easier.

Filebase.com Upload File

Tada! You have uploaded a file to IPFS. Click on the new file to see its details.

Filebase.com Test JPG

In the details, Right-Click the link in a new tab and wait for it to load.

Filebase.com Test JPG Details


You should also be able to access the file from this public gateways URL


Deleting Your Files

Wait, how can you delete a file that lives forever and is immutable?

Filebase.com Deleting Files

The answer is you can’t, the file lives forever. What you’re really deleting is just the reference to it in Filebase. A good way to test this theory is to use other IPFS Gateways to access the file. Depending on the Gateway, the request to load the file may differ.

We can access the file natively through the Opera Web Browser at:



We can use Cloudfare’s IPFS Gateway to also access the file through a browser that doesn’t natively support IPFS.


Cloudflare IPFS URL

We can also still access our file through Filebase’s IPFS Gateway, even after we’ve deleted it in Filebase.


Filebase IPFS URL

What’s Next

Now that we can see that we can upload files directly to IPFS with Filebase, we can start to think about what we can do to built on top of this.

With IPFS in mind, here some articles that coming are:

  • How to build a Frontend file uploader with React & Filebase
  • Storing Your NFT Images Permanently On-Chain With IPFS

Definitely look out for those when they are done being written.

If you got value from this, please like it, heart it, fire it, all of the emojis, and please also follow me on twitter (where I’m quite active) @codingwithmanny and on Discord as codingwithmanny 😉.

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